Random Thoughts: October 2004

Saturday, October 30, 2004 

Election Prediction

Here's my prediction:

Popular Vote:

Bush 52 Kerry 47 Others 1

Electoral College

Bush 300 Kerry 238


Republicans 52 Democrats 47 Independents 1

The Louisana Senate race will go to a runoff which will probably be won by a Democrat, although I hope I'm wrong.

This election could swing if the so called "new voters" really come out. Kerry could get 270 if this happens and they go in his direction, but it's just as likely that things will swing more in Bush's direction with him approaching 350 EV.

Let me know your prediction, just leave it in the comments

Friday, October 29, 2004 

The Presidency

Obviously, I've been thinking a lot about the upcoming election and have had a number of discussions with people. I can understand people not liking Bush on certain domestic policies (deficit spending, social programs, etc.), however I just don't see how people believe that this country will be better off with a President Kerry. I don't believe he has the character and resolve to win the war on terror--especially when he said that he would be happy when terror attacks become just a "nuisance". Look at world events and the terrorists, they need to be completely eliminated. No negotiations, no compromise, they need to die or surrender. While I would prefer they put their hands up and say "here we are, we were wrong, please take us away" I don't believe that will happen. I believe Bush will win the election, but it is still too close. I fear living in a country with a President Kerry, I believe the economic recovery would slow within a year and that we would be victim to new major attacks within his first term. I think the role of the US in the World would be diminished.

Maybe this country deserves what it's asking for, but I truly hope it does not come to pass. I believe the resolve of the American people would be strong and conservatives would emerge to bring in recovery, but that would mean wasted time and stronger terrorists. Perhaps this would bring about the rise of one the minor parties. I'd be happy to see a stronger Constitution or Libertarian party. That may bring about a restructering of the Republican and Democratic parties and a strengthing of America under a 3 or 4 party system. But, I'd rather have Bush as President and not risk what might happen under a President Kerry.

Thursday, October 28, 2004 

Looking Good!

It seems that despite the attempts of the NY Times and CBS that Bush is going into the final weekend of the campaign ahead. I have heard a number of democracts suggest Bush will win the popular vote. So it brings it down to the Electoral College--Again. I believe Bush has Florida wrapped up, barring any crazy election day stunts. Ohio is close and if Bush is able to hold on there, he should easily win Re-election. If Kerry squeaks out a win in Ohio, Bush will have to rely on Iowa and Wisconsin which he should be able to win but as always it'll be close. Michigan is also up in the air, if that goes to Bush it's all over for Kerry. As it stands now, Bush is in a much better posistion and my gut tells me he has nothing to worry about. He'll probably swing a visit to both Ohio and Florida before Tuesday to shore things up. I predict we'll know by Midnight EST, if Bush wins Ohio and Florida it could be called by 11!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 

Tuesdays with me!

Well, maybe not with me, but you get the idea.

I've had a busy couple of days, and haven't made much progress on my new project at work. I have some other things to try though so hopefully it will get going quickly. As you can also tell, I've been distracted with all the election hoopla--at least it will all be over soon. It is interesting to note that I've talked with a number of people who are voting for Kerry--but they really aren't fired up about the election and are barely paying attention. For the most part their main "issue" is that Kerry isn't Bush.

If you want my prediction, Bush will win both Ohio and Florida which will assure an Electoral College Victory. There may be some shenanigans which make things closer than they should be, but as long as Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy, and Mickey Mouse aren't allowed to vote it should be okay.

Saturday, October 23, 2004 

My Bush Cheney T-shirt

Originally uploaded by hichris.
Here's a pic of me smiling in my Bush Cheney '04 T-shirt. (I know I need a haircut). I've gotten quite a few interesting looks while wearing it. Well I'll definately be wearing it several times in the next 10 days!


Bush up in Hawaii?

A recent Hawaii poll shows Bush with a slight lead there! A safe Kerry State now a tossup!
If it's a close election wouldn't it be great if Bush won by taking Hawaii.

On another note, I've heard a lot of news about disenfranchisement by Democrats. So why is it that they seem to be the ones interfering with early voting in Florida? I guess the rules only go one way!

I can tell you in this election the Republican base is fired up, and the Anti-Bush people are fired up too (they are for Kerry, but not necessary Pro-Kerry). I've seen and heard about a number of campaign signs vandalized or stolen. While most those affected are those with Bush Cheney Signs -- there are Kerry Edwards signs disappearing too. I just saw two homes with signs last night that don't have them anymore. There was also a police car in the driveway of one, so it's pretty safe to assume they were stolen.

It's great to be fired up, but people need to stop taking it too far. Stop ideological stupidity! People can get so wrapped up in their ideology that they begin to lose reason. This can happen on both sides. So lets keep it nice people, after all we still have to live together after November 2.

Friday, October 22, 2004 

11 days away!

The election is getting closer and closer and I keep getting more and more addicted to the Polls. My favorite spot is The Hedgehog Report. David Wissing the guy that runs it is getting lots of praise as of late and deserves it. The comments are great too so check it out!

If I have time tomorrow I'll post a few pics. This morning I saw one of the Large Bush/Cheney '04 sign along rt. 40 in Harford County with Swastika's spray painted over it. That got me fired up a bit. Hopefully that's just showing people's desperation at Bush's good poll numbers.

Thursday, October 21, 2004 

Regular Guys for Bush

Hmm... Strange this post disappeared...well I've reposted it.

You should check out the commercial from these guys about John Kerry eating a cheesesteak. It's pretty funny. Also if you scroll down on the page you can find a movie for John Edwards combing his hair for a TV spot.

Monday, October 18, 2004 

Funny John Kerry Pic

I found this on another blog, check it out!

Some comments on the pic here

Sunday, October 17, 2004 

Bush Cheney Bumper Sticker

Truck Window
Originally uploaded by hichris.
My proud display of my Bush Cheney 2004 bumper sticker.

You can also see my Support out Troops, My UDel, and my Christian voter stickers.

Saturday, October 16, 2004 

Navy/Notre Dame Football

Originally uploaded by hichris.
Anita and I went to the Navy/Notre Dame game at Giants Stadium today. It was a long drive there and back, but a good time. Navy lost for the 41st consecutive time against Notre Dame. There are definately a lot of Irish fans around.

Right when we got back to Aberdeen, 95 was backing up -- turned out there were a number of accidents due to the rain further south. About 50 cars involved altogether. They ended up closing the interstate in both directions.

I ran out later and saw a bus of Navy midshipmen getting dinner in Aberdeen. I guess they were stuck so deceided to stop and get dinner.

Friday, October 15, 2004 

My Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics Article

My article in Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics came out -- online -- last night. The printed version will be in the December issue. You can check it out at the link above if you have access to that Journal. It's been a long time coming.

On a politcal note, I've finally got by Bush Cheney 2004 T-shirt! If I get a picture I'll put it up soon.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 

Debate Verdict

Well, I may not be the absolute judge but I say BUSH won. Kerry just did not come off nice to me, which means it probably did not sit well with the common folks. I'm sure the pollsters will be going wild tonight. Try out the comment system, I can go back to the old way if people like it better (All 6 people who posted--by the way I put a few back up).

I'm off to listen to some post- debate commentary!


I added Haloscan commenting and trackback to this blog. Let me know how it works out for you. It allows for easier comment posting, but not perfect. There are text adds at the bottem, hopefully not too risque!


Debate Tonight!

I'm rather annoyed that the UPS guy showed up 30 minutes later than normal and 10 minutes after Anita had to leave for Work. So now I have to drive about an hour and a half round trip, just to pick up my package! There's got to be a better way.

Anyway, more importantly is tonight's debate. This could be anybodys victory, however unless one canidate really smashes the other it will have little effect on the outcome. The national polls have been bouncing all around for weeks already, so it probably won't change much in either persons favor. In any case a majority of the people in those polls are from states that have already been "decided". Who cares if Kerry picks up 10,000 votes in California it means nothing in the end, same difference if Bush picked up more votes in Texas. The electoral college polls tend to show Bush with enough to win, but Kerry is close so a couple of states will ultimately decide the election--My guess is whoever wins Ohio--wins the Presidency. If that's true Bush has the edge, but it's not close to a sure thing.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004 


Well, the University of Delaware Review has deceided not publish my letter in it's most recent edition, which came out this morning. It is possible it could end up in the Friday issue, but not likely. They did publish a letter from a professor that was against Mr. Aiken's article, however it was short and in my opinion not very strong. I can say they didn't leave it out for lack of space, the letters to the editor section was smaller than normal and half of it had corrections and contact info--which could have gone elsewhere. In any case my letter is still below if you care to read it.

My paper for Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics should be online this week, so that's good news. I'll post a link to it when available (for those with access).

The next debate is tomorrow night! I hope it is even better than the last one, but we will have to wait and see. Bush is tracking upward in the national polls and has the edge is the electoral college (state) polling. Things are still very close though.

Saturday, October 09, 2004 

Univeristy of Delaware Editorial Page

I read the article entitled Kerry's 'flip-flopping' a sign of modern thinking in the University of Delaware Review, which you can read at the link above. I couldn't believe what the guest columnist wrote about how being a born-again Christian makes you weak in character and intellect, so I wrote and sent in a letter to the editor. Hopefully it will be published--until then, the text is below:

I am writing in response to Tyler Akin's guest editorial Kerry's 'flip-flopping' a sign of modern thinking. I have no problem with criticism of politicians when it comes to their actions or stance on issues. However, he does not really criticize President Bush on the issues, instead he criticizes his religious and moral beliefs as a "born-again" Christian. Mr. Akin stated "I shall not argue against the moral foundation provided by Christianty...." Yet, he must think it is okay to bash Christianity because he goes on saying that Christianity has been "bastardized by a millennia of misinterpretation and opportunism". He calls President Bush weak of character and intellect because of his beliefs. Now, I doubt Mr. Akin would have criticized a Jewish or Muslim politician for their religious beliefs. What about George Washington, our first president who said, "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible". Does Mr. Akin think that President Washington was weak in character?

It would seem from Mr. Akin's article that if you are intelligent you could not be a Christian, since that would imply being "indoctrinated" into a belief system doesn't allow one to learn from mistakes. Well, I can think of a number of famous intelligent people, who learned much about the "complexities of the world" and were Christians. How about Sir Isaac Newton, who wrote just as much (if not more) about religion as he did about science. How about Louis Pasteur, Gregor Mendel, Lord Kelvin, and George Washington Carver? There is also Francis Collins, a self professed born-again Christian, who is the director of the National Human Genome Research Institute and oversaw the human genome project in the United States.

Mr. Akin, you applaud John Kerry for being a flip-flopper, yet call George Bush the ultimate flip-flopper--because of his faith. I think that you need to reconsider your logic and recognize the invaluable contributions of Christians to this great country and the world.


Last night!

First of all Star Trek: Enterprise was pretty good. I've been waiting a while for the new season. It looks like it should be good, but if the whole season is about the temporal cold war then it may not be too good.

Second, the DEBATE. The best one so far in my opinion, Bush cleary delivered big last night. Kerry didn't do bad, but Bush was more successful in getting his points across and talking to real Americans. Kerry seemed to falter in a few places and while Bush didn't clobber him, he got in quite a few punches. The liberal pundits are saying it was a tie, except the Kerry campaign who says they won. Right-wing pundits are saying huge victory, so if you average them then Bush was the clear winner on points but not by a knock out. The next debate is Wednesday and Bush should be able to carry his momentum in and bring home another victory.

Friday, October 08, 2004 


Originally uploaded by hichris.
A pic from my trip to New York this summer. Thought it turned out pretty nice. 25 days till the election. Columbus Day is only a few days away too!

Thursday, October 07, 2004 


Not much to say today. I'll be busy working all day. I need to figure out exactly how I'm going to setup my future experiments, I think it should go pretty quickly once I get everything working.

The Presidential Debate is tomorrow (as well as the Star Trek: Enterprise season premier) Don't know which I'm more excited about. I'll have to tape Enterprise since I have a Bible Study tomorrow night and won't get home till after nine (I'll probably listen to the beginning of the debate on the radio).

Wednesday, October 06, 2004 

VP Debate

Well everyone seems to be able to agree that their canidate won. The polls are mixed, but I personally feel Cheney did a better job and looked better than Edwards. It will hopefully make a good lead in for Bush on Friday.

I ordered some Bush-Cheney 2004 Bumper Stickers yesterday, so hopefully I'll have them soon. Way too many Kerry-Edwards Stickers in Delaware--at least where I live in Maryland it's more Bush than Kerry (unfortunately that's not the case in the whole state).

Poll data still shows Bush with a lead, but it has decreased some. If Bush does well on Friday though, I think that trend will reverse itself--if not it will probably remain a dead heat.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004 

Out of my mind!

Last Night on Nightline, John Edwards said that anyone who votes for George W. Bush must have lost their mind. Story. Well then I must be CRAZY!

Monday, October 04, 2004 

Election 2004

It's only a month until election day. There are a number of good sites dealing with state polls that will reflect the electoral college outcome. My favorite (which is linked at the right) is The Hedgehog Report run by David Wissing a Republican who also lives in Maryland. It has lots of poll data as well as a good blog of mostly politcal stuff.

Another Good site is electoral-vote.com it's pretty easy to understand the data, which is presented in a red/blue colored map. I'm pretty sure the guy who runs it is a liberal, but at least he tries not show it too much. The link is in the image below. I'll try to add a smaller pic to my sidebar later.

Click for www.electoral-vote.com


Family Tree

I've done a bit of work on my family tree, you can checkout the database I posted online at Rootsweb. com here. When/if I have time I'll make a page from the info in the dabase but there is a lot in there, so it may be a while. The thing with genealogy is that it's never ending because as soon as you solve one mystery it just reveals more! But it's fun and interesting and historical

Sunday, October 03, 2004 


Hey I actually got a comment--not that I actually know the person, but thats still pretty cool. Today is kind of a slow day, no Church tonight due to a funeral service instead. Guess I'll watch TV or a movie. I watched Out of Time earlier today (with Denzel Washington). Not bad, but not great either.

I think I need to add somthing to the site to make it more exciting. Maybe I'll play around with the HTML a bit later when I get some time. For now check out this picture from earlier this summer in Wisconsin Dells

Saturday, October 02, 2004 


Okay I got this puppy formated the way I want now! Got to go home now--wasted a couple hours working on this.


I Just Started This thing!

If you found this page, either I told you about it or you were searching the internet randomly.
In any case there's not much here yet. If you want to check out my home page goto udel.edu/~hichris

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