Random Thoughts: March 2005

Monday, March 28, 2005 


Well, I had hoped to do a nice post for Easter, but just didn't have the time.

My Brother-in-law Doug came down from New York on Saturday. So Anita and I got to spend some time with him over the weekend which was nice. He's an Illinois alum, so watching the Basketball game was a lot of fun -- that comeback was unbelievable!

After Church yesterday, I made the traditional Easter ham, which turned out pretty good. Of course I now what I'll be eating for the next week now. Especially since Anita left for her cruise with her Mom this morning and won't get back until Friday.

Hopefully, that will give me the time I need to get my committee paper written up.

It's late but Happy Easter from me!

Sunday, March 13, 2005 

Another Two Weeks...

Well, I have indeed been busy lately but that is just normal right now. I have been making a good deal of progress with my research lately, so it looks like I will actually finish my PhD this year! I know my wife cannot wait, but we also need to know where we're going next. I need to focus on searching for a postdoc, hopefully once I finish up my current project (no revisions I hope) I'll have a bit more time to spend on the job hunt. Then it's basically do the experiment my committee tells me to do, write my thesis and defend.

Unfortunately that sounds a lot easier than it is.

I also came across a good Charles Spurgeon quote that really touched me last week. I know a number of individuals going through hard times and perhaps this thought might help them.

Faith's way of walking is to cast all care upon the Lord, and then to anticipate good results from the worst calamities.

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