Immigration protests continue in California
I know many of them came to have a better life for themselves and their families, but they broke the law to do so. Many businesses illegally hired them, should they get away with it? What about business that refused to hire illegals and couldn't compete?
When laws go unenforced they are ignored and people begin to break more laws.
I fully support immigration and even a guest worker program, but only for those who go about things leagally. Should people who broke the law be given amnesty? What is the point of border security if we just keep letting people in?
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Tens of thousands of students walked out of school in California and other states Monday, waving flags and chanting slogans in a second week of protests against legislation to crack down on illegal immigrants.
In Washington, 100 demonstrators wore handcuffs at the Capitol to protest a bill that would make it a felony to be in this country illegally and would make it crime to dispense aid to the nation's 11 million illegal immigrants.
Immigrant supporters also object to legislation that would also impose new penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants and would build fences along part of the U.S.-Mexican border. (Full story)
Chris, I have worked with illegal immigrants when teaching second language acquisition classes. If they could become citizens, they would, but our country restricts their access. If you come from a rich European country, come on in... but if you are poor no matter how hard working, stay out. Good thing that was not how our country operated when our ancestors came here.
These people aren't stealing from us; they work their butts off, and they can't get any of the social services that we take for granted. And"Breaking the law" is the least of their concern; their issue is much more basic, survival. Consider if your child's survival depended on you moving away from monsters with oozies? If you break the law in the U.S., you may be shipped back, but if you stay in your own country, you will likely be killed. What would you choose?
Plus, the U.S. position on immigration is largely bull. Do you know that the U.S. economy depends on the labor of our "illegal" immigrants? If we really cracked down, our economy would go down the crapper. Our invisible illegal masses work hard at positions the majority of American citizens do not want because the work is hard and the pay is low. However, we need this manual labor performed at a low rate to fuel our economy. I don't even believe that our government really wants to crack down on immigration.
Know what else? When I worked on a reservation in southern Arizona, the immigration patrol could not even decipher Native Americans from Mexicans. They bussed back many Native Americans to central Mexico, and they didn't even speak Spanish. So when we do crack down on "illegals," we don't even get the right people. Law does not equal moral. why people protest the crackdowns on illegal immigration... our government is engaging in immoral activity.
I also want to point out that law does not equal moral. African Americans broke the law when pursing equal rights. I don't think Jesus followed all the edicts of the corrupt leaders of his time. JMO.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:13 PM
I know many who come here illegally do so to "build a better life" for their families. It's not just Mexicans either, in the Northeast there are a lot of illegal Irish imigrants, there are also a lot of Eastern European illegals in this country too.
I understand that not all laws seem fair or just or moral. I think abortion is immoral, but in the US it's leagal. Were Black Civil Right leaders right in breaking unjust laws - Absoulutely! There is a difference here, Illegal immigrants are not citizens are not guarenteed all the rights under our constitution.
Illegal imigrants do receive many benefits of American Tax payers. Health care and Public School education are covered and they don't pay anything into US Income Tax. About 25% of Federal Prison inmates are Illegal imigrants who commited crimes in the US and close to half of CA inmates are illegal -- That's billions of dollars a year.
"Do you know that the U.S. economy depends on the labor of our 'illegal' immigrants?"
This question is quite true, the US has come to rely on this labor--however that does not mean it is necessary. People complain about unemployment (which is low btw), but here are millions of jobs being taken from American citizens! Those same people say, no Americans want those jobs, but is that true? To some extent, but that is largely due to the pay of those jobs. If they paid better, people would be willing to do the work -- in many parts of America they do (you don't find to many illegals in Iowa and they do just fine). I'd pay 20 cents more for a head of lettuce.
"I don't even believe that our government really wants to crack down on immigration."
You are Absoulutely right here! The government hasn't done anything about it and what Bush and congress are talking about amounts to Amnesty. Is this fair to those who waited and came legally though? And why do we bother with border patrol and immigration laws if they are only sporadically enforced.
Posted by
Chris |
9:20 AM
comment removed per request
Posted by
Chris |
10:40 PM
Ah Chris, well, I don't agree w/you, but you are definitely entitled to your opinion. Of course, Maya has the cuter website for sure ;)
If it makes you feel better, the illegal immigrants wouldn't pay much income tax anyway... cuz they don't make very much, and they do in fact pay sales tax. As far as the illegals who are criminals, I'm guessing we don't trust other governments to imprison them sufficiently nor do we trust in our ability to keep them from crossing our borders again or we would just deport them. Criminals are criminals and as such are usually BAD (lol), but most illegal immigrants are NOT criminals. If the illegals went around breaking laws left and right, we would surely catch them. Most illegals I've met are anxious to avoid breaking laws as well as ticking anyone off.
Also, I'm sure you know this, but industry in Iowa is quite different than industry in Arizona or other border states that employ illegal immigrants in any sufficient number. Arizona's economy is booming far more than that of Iowa, for what it's worth. I think comparing states is like comparing apples and oranges. My dad as a factory worker always had a terrible FEAR that illegal immigrants would take away his job. It never happened. He developed valuable skills that made him less replaceable. I think a lot of the hullaboo about illegal immigrants is based on fear, not logic. JMO.
Also, you are right about Sarah typing her name... but how come you deleted her post?
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:01 PM
I know Maya's site is much cuter, but that's the way it should be.
As for the taxes, its true that they wouldn't pay much in income tax. However Social Security and medicare would see a significant increase. I think one reason Texas doesn't have an income tax, but does have a sales tax is to make sure Everyone pays their state taxes.
Technically all ILLEGAL immigrants are criminals, the government just doesn't feel its worth the time and money to deport many people--sure thousands are deported but its a small percent. Even if the number of violent/severe illegal alien criminals in a small percent, if we kept all (or most) illegals out, then many of the really bad crimminals would be prevented from coming in too.
As to "stealing jobs" it hasn't been a Major problem--although if we had REAL welfare reform then it might be a different story. But jobs are lost, check out a recent story from the washington times:
As for Sarah, the comment was removed per her request.
Posted by
Chris |
5:17 PM
Nothing new for Easter? Lazy, lazy. Anyway, hope you all have a fun Maya's first Easter.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:13 PM
Sorry Sarah, we were busy enjoying the day at Church and with friends.
Hope you had a great day!
Posted by
Chris |
10:23 PM
2 Cents:
First cent, it makes we who are here legally feel stupid for being here legally. If I'm going to be granted a green card for being here illegally, why the heck would I want to be here legally!
I feel cheated.
Second cent, illegal immigrants do the hard low-paying manual jobs because of their immigration status. I'm almost certain should their immigration status be changed to "legal" with work permits and all they'll try as hard as possible not to do that hard low-paying manual labor again. It is seriously flawed logic to think these guys would continue to work at such hard jobs should they be made legal residents.
Posted by
ahenkwaw |
3:21 PM