Evolutionary consequences? - Random Thoughts

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Sunday, August 28, 2005 

Evolutionary consequences?

Secular society holds to the fact that evolution is the process whereby life changed from the simple to the complex, which includes us humans. Biologically speaking this means that random mutations occurred than changed one species to another in both a dispersive and progressive manners. If this is the case, then the human mind is merely an evolutionary advantage, that through natural selection came into being.

If the human mind is merely an evolutionary advantageous accident then where do good and evil come from? They must come from us or at least from our genes? If humanity decides what is good and evil and we are progressively evolving what does this mean of our concept of good and evil? It has to mean that they are fluid concepts, that can and must change if "better" or "more fit" ideas evolve.

Now comes the scary part; if good and evil are merely human concepts caused by evolution. We can only call Hitler evil because he died and his ideas were not carried out to any great extent after his death. During his life he was "good" he was the most "fit" leader. His concept of Jewish genocide is only "evil" in retrospect. He wanted a world without the Jewish genes around influencing evolution. Stalin can be viewed in the same light. However the concept of the evolution of the mind comes into a greater view here. He wanted those who disagreed with his politics to be killed off, because they had a different view or minutest. He wanted to preserve his set of beliefs as much as we wish to preserve our lives. If he was merely trying to follow his evolutionary destiny how could he be considered evil. How can someone's biology be considered evil especially if that the way they we born. Hitler and Stalin were just dead-ends on the evolutionary pathway. If someone with similar ideas arises and is more powerful then they were and their ideas persist, then the idea of good will evolve. People we now consider good (George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr.) will become evil by evolutions standard.

The consequences Evolution are much larger than society wants to admit, but what I've said is nothing new. There are sociobiologists and psychologists who have said the same things in a much more scholarly way. Yet where is the outrage or disbelief?

I find that Science gives more reasons each and everyday to believe in God.

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