Random Thoughts: September 2005

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 


I won't be posting too much over the next month or so as I finish up writing my PhD thesis. So until then, check out the links or leave a comment

Monday, September 19, 2005 

Check out Maya's Photoblog


Tuesday, September 13, 2005 

It's a girl!

Originally uploaded by hichris.
Maya Elizabeth Hamilton

born at 11:21 a.m
7 lbs 14.5 oz

Monday, September 12, 2005 

The federal response to Katrina was not as portrayed

by Jack Kelly in the Post-Gazette

It is settled wisdom among journalists that the federal response to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina was unconscionably slow.

"Mr. Bush's performance last week will rank as one of the worst ever during a dire national emergency," wrote New York Times columnist Bob Herbert in a somewhat more strident expression of the conventional wisdom.

But the conventional wisdom is the opposite of the truth.

Jason van Steenwyk is a Florida Army National Guardsman who has been mobilized six times for hurricane relief. He notes that:

"The federal government pretty much met its standard time lines, but the volume of support provided during the 72-96 hour was unprecedented. The federal response here was faster than Hugo, faster than Andrew, faster than Iniki, faster than Francine and Jeanne."

For instance, it took five days for National Guard troops to arrive in strength on the scene in Homestead, Fla. after Hurricane Andrew hit in 1992. But after Katrina, there was a significant National Guard presence in the afflicted region in three.

Journalists who are long on opinions and short on knowledge have no idea what is involved in moving hundreds of tons of relief supplies into an area the size of England in which power lines are down, telecommunications are out, no gasoline is available, bridges are damaged, roads and airports are covered with debris, and apparently have little interest in finding out.

So they libel as a "national disgrace" the most monumental and successful disaster relief operation in world history.


Saturday, September 03, 2005 

The Hurricane

It's impossible to not see the news coverage or hear what happened due to Hurricane Katrina. New Orleans, the rest of Louisiana, Alabama, Mississipi, and all the other areas affected by the Hurricane will be feeling the effects for a long time.

For those that want to give please do so through the Salvation Army or your local Churches. The Salvation Army spends their money more efficiently (more goes directly to those in need) and have a better historical record of help than the other well known Agency that many are giving to. You can give directly to the Presbyterian Church in America Disater Relief fund here

I know many of us are feeling the Gas price crunch ($3.49 where I live!), but lets try to be thankful that we don't have larger worries.

If anyone has family or friends that were affected by the Hurricane, feel free to list them in the comments (along with any relevant info). I will be sure to pray for them and encourage anyone else to do the same.


It's not global warming; just a natural storm cycle

By Kenneth Chang from The New York Times:

Because hurricanes form over warm ocean water, it is easy to assume that the recent rise in their number and ferocity is the result of global warming.
But that is not the case, scientists say. Instead, the severity of hurricane seasons changes with Atlantic Ocean temperatures in cycles that take several decades. The recent onslaught "is very much natural," said William Gray, a professor of atmospheric science at Colorado State University who issues forecasts for the hurricane season.


I've heard more than one person try to blame this on Global Warming. Maybe this will keep them quiet for a little while.

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